
Realizing the Value of Oracle MySQL 5.6 Certifications

The Oracle Certified Professional, MySQL 5.6 (OCP) designed for individuals who hold an active awareness of the abilities, devices, and issues associated with writing applications including MySQL database server. There is an enhanced focus on speed and schema as well as security, replication, and optimization. The MySQL application development portion of the exam now requires knowledge across a pervasive set of fields, including utilizing MySQL with Java,, and others. The exam includes concepts such as architecture, creation, and design of MySQL topics, general syntax, creation, design, and use of MySQL stored programs, questioning for and modifying data, joins sub queries and Unions, application development and basic optimization. Up-to-date practice and track experience recommended.

Identify the Difference Between Course of OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 Certification

The OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 are Java programmer certification offered by Oracle University. There is lot of difference between two certifications. First of level, both the exams are totally different and they cover the different objectives. OCAJP 8 considered as simple and basic exam where as OCPJP 8 is little tougher than the OCAJP 8 exam.

The difference between OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 are huge in terms of exam topics and difficulty level.

What is OCAJP8 and OCPJP8

Difficulty Level : OCAJP 8 is the simple one and OCPJP 8 is the tougher one

Exam Objectives: OCAJP 8 covers very basic concepts whereas OCPJP 8 would test your knowledge on broader range.

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