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I have to say OracleStudy.com is the best place, I will always rely on them for my future exams too. I used it for the Java 1Z0-803 certification exam and passed successfully. At the scheduled 120 minutes time, I took only 90 minutes to complete all the questions. I am very happy with the practice exam and Q&A provided to me for my personal preparation. Thank you team for your support.
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andrea1980Mar 23 2018 - 15:32I am a professional with more than 6 years of experience. I decided to give oracle database 12c - installation and administration to boost my career. I felt lost as i had not studied for quite a long time. My colleague suggested oraclestudy.com mock tests. This made me relax as i could give question sets and judge my performance. I was not scared at all. Thank you oraclestudy.
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RkendraMar 3 2018 - 08:00When you are with the chosen ones, you can see the change in the way you behave. The moment i got the support of oraclestudy.com, i became very confident that i will achieve my professional objectives. I am a visionary and i knew from the very start that only mock tests help you get that extra percentage that lets you above all in the competition. I gave 1z0-228 and received 90%. I would definitely recommend the site to all those who will be giving Oracle PeopleSoft General Ledger 9 certification exam in near future.
JacksonMar 3 2018 - 06:22I cleared my eBusiness suite general ledger certification exam 1Z0-516 with 79%. Thank you oraclestudy.com for all your support and wonderful practice exam. Your site has really boosted my confidence and knowledge. Though my result is not great, but its all because of me. I came to know about your site from Google search only 10 days before my actual exam, after that also I wasted 2 days to decide to buy a premium membership from oraclestudy.com and finally I purchased it. Initially I did not trust this website and wasted my time on internet for searching material here and there. Just before 6 days of my actual 1Z0-516 exam I started my practice here, In my first practice exam attempt I got only 38% ;( very disappointed. Still I continued my practice for next 5 days and I was able to improve myself till 85 to 90%. It was amazing experience with oraclestudy.com, I recommend everyone who is preparing for Oracle certification to go for premium membership on this site.
nataliyaMar 2 2018 - 13:01The demo test on oraclestudy.com gave me the confidence to enrol for the unlimited access of 2 months on this site. All the questions that were given in the sample test were the basic ones for oracle peoplesoft human resources 9 fundamentals certification exam. As recommended on the site, i enrolled for the actual mock tests. I practiced with the premium 1z0-218 mock tests. These tests gave me more practical as well as real time scenario based questions like the actual oracle certification exam. The site is very good to cover the oracle syllabus without any problem or barriers.
NikodemFeb 21 2018 - 11:20The online practice exam for oracle database 11g performance tuning certification exam on oraclestudy.com is definitely prepared by experienced consultants and professionals. The mock tests are exact match of 1Z0-054. Random questions and answers, specific time limit and even the ambiance it creates is bound to set your heart pounding and make you realize how much you fare in real-time. I am glad this site is my guide to give actual exam.
Thank you oraclestudy.comfabianpie7Feb 20 2018 - 15:32