Oracle 1Z0-996-22 Certification Sample Questions and Answers

1Z0-996-22 PDF, 1Z0-996-22 Dumps PDF Free Download, 1Z0-996-22 Latest Dumps Free PDF, Utilities Customer Cloud Service Implementation Professional PDF DumpsThe Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service Implementation Professional (1Z0-996-22) Sample Question Set is designed to help you prepare for the Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service 2022 Certified Implementation Professional (OCP) certification exam. To become familiar with the actual Oracle Certification exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample Oracle 1Z0-996-22 Certification Practice Exam.

This Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service 2022 Implementation Professional certification sample practice test and sample question set are designed for evaluation purposes only. If you want to test your Oracle 1Z0-996-22 knowledge to identify your areas of improvement and get familiar with the actual exam format, we suggest you prepare with the Premium Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service 2022 Certified Implementation Professional (OCP) Certification Practice Exam. Our team of Oracle Customer Cloud Service Training and Certification experts has designed Questions-Answers for this premium practice exam by collecting inputs from recently certified candidates. Our premium Oracle 1Z0-996-22 certification practice exam will boost your confidence as well as your actual Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service Implementation Professional exam result.

Oracle 1Z0-996-22 Sample Questions:

01. When a bill is completed, bill messages can be retrieved from many sources. Which three are valid sources?
a) Account
b) Service Agreement Type
c) Meter Read’s Remark
d) Account’s Customer Class
e) Bill Segment Type
02. Service Points are specific locations at a property where a customer receives service. Select the three main categories of service points.
a) Metered
b) Metered - Interval
c) Metered – Non-Interval
d) Badged Item
e) Unbadged Item
03. Which two choices may be used (if available) to store additional attributes that may not fit into the base package tables/fields without introducing database changes?
a) Basic Large Object (BLOB)
b) Character Large Object (CLOB)
c) Characteristics
d) custom fields to base package tables
e) custom child table(s) linked to base package parent tables
04. Using a base-supplied algorithm type, payment distribution priority is typically determined by _____________.
a) Service Agreement Type’s Priority and Debt Age
b) Debt Age
c) Customer Class and Debt Age
d) Customer Class and Service Agreement Type
e) Payment Type and Debt Age
05. A service agreement’s Primary Rate Schedule is linked to two Sub Rates. A bill segment is created for the service agreement for the period January 1, 2010 to February 1, 2010. The Primary Rate Schedule has a rate version effective on January 1, 2009 and another effective on January 15, 2010.
How many bill calculation headers will be created for the bill segment?
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
e) five
06. What controls the types of service agreements and service points to be created?
a) Campaign
b) Package
c) Campaign and Package
d) Service Agreement Type/Service Point Type Relationship
e) Order
07. Which two states allow a Bill Segment to have its charges regenerated?
a) Incomplete
b) Error
c) Freezable
d) Frozen
e) Canceled
08. Which major entities in the “V” hold the key geographic, demographic, and financial information related to a customer who is financially responsible for a property?
a) Account, Bill, Premise, Service Agreement, Service Point
b) Account, Person, Premise, Service Agreement, Service Point
c) Account, Bill, Customer Class, Premise, Service Agreement
d) Account, CustomerClass, Premise, ServiceAgreement, Service Point
e) Account, Customer Class, Person, Premise, Service Agreement
09. Field Activities of specific types can be created by the system automatically based on the type of work to be carried out, connection status of a service point, and the meter’s installation and connection status.
Which four processes are based on the above?
a) starting service
b) disconnecting service
c) testing a meter or item in the field
d) stopping service
e) disconnect Warning
10. Which two plug-in spots call the rating functionality using base package-supplied algorithm types?
a) Bill Segment Type - Bill Segment Create
b) Bill Segment Type - Bill Segment FT Creation
c) Adjustment Type - Generate
d) Adjustment Type - Adjustment FT Creation
e) Billable Charge Template


Question: 01

Answer: a, c, d

Question: 02

Answer: a, d, e

Question: 03

Answer: b, c

Question: 04

Answer: a

Question: 05

Answer: b

Question: 06

Answer: c

Question: 07

Answer: b, c

Question: 08

Answer: b

Question: 09

Answer: a, b, c, d

Question: 10

Answer: b, d

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