Oracle 1Z0-908 Certification Sample Questions and Answers

1Z0-908 PDF, 1Z0-908 Dumps PDF Free Download, 1Z0-908 Latest Dumps Free PDF, MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator PDF DumpsThe Oracle MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator (1Z0-908) Sample Question Set is designed to help you prepare for the Oracle Certified Professional MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator (OCP) certification exam. To become familiar with the actual Oracle Certification exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample Oracle 1Z0-908 Certification Practice Exam.

This Oracle MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator certification sample practice test and sample question set are designed for evaluation purposes only. If you want to test your Oracle 1Z0-908 knowledge to identify your areas of improvement and get familiar with the actual exam format, we suggest you prepare with the Premium Oracle Certified Professional MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator (OCP) Certification Practice Exam. Our team of Oracle MySQL Database Administration experts has designed Questions-Answers for this premium practice exam by collecting inputs from recently certified candidates. Our premium Oracle 1Z0-908 certification practice exam will boost your confidence as well as your actual Oracle MySQL 8.0 Database Administrator exam result.

Oracle 1Z0-908 Sample Questions:

01. What are three typical causes of MySQL becoming suddenly slow and unavailable?
(Choose three.)
a) A configuration change was made.
b) The hardware includes a single point of failure.
c) Monitoring has not enabled all Performance Schema instruments.
d) The MySQL Query Cache is disabled.
e) OPTIMIZE TABLE is not executes for the InnoDB tables.
f) The application executes a new untested query
02. How can mysql_multi be configured to allow MySQL instances to use the same port number?
(Choose one)
a) The instances listen on different IP addresses
b) The instances use different user accounts unique teach instance.
c) The instances use different socket names
d) The instances have appropriate net masks set.
03. MySQL Enterprise Monitor Query Analyzer is configured to monitor an instance. Which statement is true?
(Choose one)
a) The Query Response Time index (QRTi) is fixed to 100ms and cannot be customized.
b) Enabling the events_statements_history_long consumer allows tracking the longest running query.
c) An agent must be installed locally on the instance to use the Query Analyzer.
d) The Query Analyzer can monitor an unlimited number of normalized statements.
e) The slow query log must be enabled on the monitored server to collect information for the Query Analyzer.
04. Binary log events for the 'mydb1' schema must be copied to a different schema name 'mydb2'. Which command will do this?
a) mysqlbinlog --datebase=mydb1 --database=mydb2 | mysql
b) mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server --raw | sed 's/mydb1/mydb2/g' | mysql
c) mysqlbinlog --rewrite-db='mydb1' --rewrite-db='mydb2' | mysql
d) mysqlbinlog --rewrite-db='mydb1->mydb2' | mysql
05. Which two statements are true about general tablespaces?
(Choose two)
a) General tablespaces support temporary tables.
b) Dropping a table from a general tablespace releases the space back to the operating system.
c) An existing table can be moved into a general tablespace
d) A general tablespace can have multiple data files.
e) A new table can be created explicitly in a general tablespace.
06. What does the binlog dump thread do?
a) It monitors and schedules the rotation/deletion of the binary logs.
b) It acquires a lock on the binary log for reading each event to be sent to the slave.
c) It connects to the master and asks it to send updates recorded in its binary logs.
d) It reads the relay log and executes the events contained in them.
07. Identify two ways to significantly improve data security.
(Choose two)
a) Configure mysqld to run as the system admin account, such as root.
b) Use a private network behind a firewall.
c) Configure mysqld to use only networked disks.
d) Configure MySQL to have only one administrative account.
e) Configure mysqld to use only local disks or attached disks and to have its own account in the host system.
08. Where is the default data directory located after installing MySQL using RPM on Oracle Linux 7?
(Choose one)
a) /usr
b) /usr/mysql
c) /etc/my.cnf
d) /var/1ib/mysql
e) /usr/bin
09. Examine the command, which executes successfully: shell> mysqld --initialize
Which statement is true?
(Choose one)
a) The root password is created in the error log in plain text.
b) The installation creates a temporary test environment with data in the /tmp directory.
c) The installation is created without enforcing or generating SSL certificates.
d) The root password is not created allowing easy access from the same host.
10. On examination, your MySQL installation datadir has become recursively world read/write/executable. What are two major concerns of running an installation with incorrect file privileges?
(Choose two.)
a) Data files could be deleted.
b) Extra startup time would be required for the MySQL server to reset the privileges.
c) MySQL binaries could be damaged, deleted, or altered.
d) SQL injections could be used to insert bad data into the database.
e) Users could overwrite configuration files.


Question: 01

Answer: a, b, f

Question: 02

Answer: a

Question: 03

Answer: d

Question: 04

Answer: b

Question: 05

Answer: c, e

Question: 06

Answer: c

Question: 07

Answer: b, e

Question: 08

Answer: d

Question: 09

Answer: a

Question: 10

Answer: a, b

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