Oracle 1Z0-1194-24 Certification Sample Questions and Answers

1Z0-1194-24 PDF, 1Z0-1194-24 Dumps PDF Free Download, 1Z0-1194-24 Latest Dumps Free PDF, Cloud Database Migration Professional PDF DumpsThe Oracle Cloud Database Migration Professional (1Z0-1194-24) Sample Question Set is designed to help you prepare for the Oracle Cloud Database 2024 Migration Certified Professional certification exam. To become familiar with the actual Oracle Certification exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample Oracle 1Z0-1194-24 Certification Practice Exam.

This Oracle Cloud Database 2024 Migration Professional certification sample practice test and sample question set are designed for evaluation purposes only. If you want to test your Oracle 1Z0-1194-24 knowledge to identify your areas of improvement and get familiar with the actual exam format, we suggest you prepare with the Premium Oracle Cloud Database 2024 Migration Certified Professional Certification Practice Exam. Our team of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure experts has designed Questions-Answers for this premium practice exam by collecting inputs from recently certified candidates. Our premium Oracle 1Z0-1194-24 certification practice exam will boost your confidence as well as your actual Oracle Cloud Database Migration Professional exam result.

Oracle 1Z0-1194-24 Sample Questions:

01. Which tool is recommended for validating the compatibility of a PDB before migration?
a) Oracle Migration Workbench
b) Oracle GoldenGate
c) Oracle Database Preupgrade Utility
d) Oracle Data Guard
02. How does Oracle Migration Advisor assist in minimizing migration risks?
a) By enabling real-time data replication
b) By automatically creating backups of the source database
c) By handling schema conversions directly
d) By recommending detailed migration strategies and identifying potential compatibility issues
03. What is a key advantage of using Oracle Data Pump over traditional file-based migration methods?
a) It supports real-time data replication.
b) It allows selective migration of database objects.
c) It eliminates the need for network connectivity.
d) It ensures zero downtime during migration.
04. What is a key factor to consider when planning a migration from an on-premises Oracle Database to Oracle Exadata Database Service?
a) Matching the database character set between source and target
b) Limiting the database size to 1 TB
c) Ensuring the source database uses a NoSQL architecture
d) Using only logical migration methods
05. When migrating a non-Oracle database to OCI, which service can help automate schema conversion?
a) Oracle SQL Developer
b) Oracle Data Pump
c) Oracle GoldenGate
d) Oracle Migration Workbench
06. When using Oracle Migration Advisors, why is it important to provide accurate details about the target environment?
a) To ensure migration downtime is minimized
b) To guarantee compatibility and accurate recommendations for the migration strategy
c) To automate the backup and restoration process
d) To reduce the network bandwidth required for data transfer
07. Which migration method is commonly used to move a pluggable database (PDB) between multitenant container databases (CDBs)?
a) Unplug/Plug
b) GoldenGate
c) Data Pump
08. During the migration process, why is it important to define the target database environment in OCI?
a) To ensure network traffic is limited during migration
b) To identify the appropriate database configurations and performance settings
c) To avoid creating backups
d) To skip compatibility checks
09. Which of the following is a prerequisite for using Oracle DMS?
a) Both source and target databases must use Oracle RAC.
b) The source database must be in OCI.
c) The source database must run a supported Oracle Database version.
d) The target database must use a non-Oracle platform.
10. Why is it important to configure backup policies on the target database after migration?
a) To ensure database availability during the migration
b) To prepare for potential recovery scenarios post-migration
c) To automate schema validation tasks
d) To track user activities on the migrated database


Question: 01

Answer: c

Question: 02

Answer: d

Question: 03

Answer: b

Question: 04

Answer: a

Question: 05

Answer: d

Question: 06

Answer: b

Question: 07

Answer: a

Question: 08

Answer: b

Question: 09

Answer: c

Question: 10

Answer: b

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