You can use this Oracle 1Z0-1034-23 exam study guide to collect all the information about the Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development 2023 Implementation Professional exam. The Oracle 1Z0-1034-23 certification exam is mainly targeted to those candidates who have some experience or exposure to Oracle Service Center technology and want to flourish their career with Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development 2023 Certified Implementation Professional credential.
The Oracle 1Z0-1034-23 certification exam validates your understanding of the Oracle Service Center technology and sets the stage for your future progression. Your preparation plan for Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development 2023 Implementation Professional Certification exam should include hands-on practice or on-the-job experience performing the tasks described in following certification exam syllabus topics.
Oracle 1Z0-1034-23 Exam Details:
Exam Name | Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development 2023 Implementation Professional |
Exam Code | 1Z0-1034-23 |
Exam Price | USD $245 (Pricing may vary by country or by localized currency) |
Duration | 90 minutes |
Number of Questions | 55 |
Passing Score | 68% |
Format | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) |
Recommended Training | Become a Certified B2C Service Integration and Development Implementer |
Schedule Exam | Buy Oracle Training and Certification |
Sample Questions | Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development 2023 Certified Implementation Professional |
Recommended Practice | 1Z0-1034-23 Online Practice Exam |
Oracle 1Z0-1034-23 Syllabus Topics:
Customer Portal Tools |
- Use Site Administration tools using the .NET console (Agent Desktop) - Use the CP admin area, identify CP environments, and understand deployment processes |
Customer Portal - Basic Customizations |
- Understand the structure of a CP page and modify page params, logic, and settings - Describe the importance of Internationalization - Customize and manage Templates, Pages, and Themes |
Customer Portal - Widgets and Scripting |
- Create and manage a widgets - Describe Client-side scripting and event handling and its use in widgets - Describe Controllers and their uses and uses of AJAX for widget/controller interaction |
Customer Portal - Advanced Customizations |
- Describe a model and its uses including the use of Hooks - Describe the purpose of the Connect Common Object Model - Describe the uses of Connect for PHP in CP - Create Custom Objects - Use Inlays |
Integration and Customization - Agent Desktop |
- Configure and customize Custom Objects, custom fields, and custom attributes - Use the Connect web services with desktop add-ins - Use primary objects and sub-objects |
Integration and Customization - ROQL Queries | - Execute ROQL Queries including Special Queries |
Integration & Customization - Connect Web Services for PHP\SOAP\REST |
- Describe CRUD Operations using Web Services for SOAP - Generate Bulk, Batch, and Chain Operations - Run Analytics Reports using Connect for SOAP - Get Values for NamedID Objects - Use the Knowledge Foundation API - Use the Connect REST API |
Integration and Customization - Desktop Integration |
- Explain Add-In Deployment Methods - Work with Records and Automation - Connect Web Services for SOAP with Add-Ins including troubleshooting - Use Javascript and the Browser control for integration - Use the Browser UI Extensions API |
Integration and Customization - General |
- Customize Mobile Sites and pages mappings - Work with Custom Process Models - Configure CP Security - Explain Clickstream and reporting - Implement the Scripts/custom folders - Create debugging within B2C Service |
The Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development Implementation Professional Certification Program certifies candidates on skills and knowledge related to Oracle Service Center products and technologies. The Oracle 1Z0-1034-23 is granted based on a combination of passing exams, training, and performance-based assignments, depending on the level of certification. Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development 2023 Implementation Professional certification is a real benchmark of experience and expertise that helps you stand out in a crowd among employers. To ensure success, Oracle recommends combining education courses, practice exams, and hands-on experience to prepare for your Oracle B2C Service Integration and Development 2023 Certified Implementation Professional certification exam as questions will test your ability to apply the knowledge you have gained in hands-on practice or professional experience.