Oracle Certification and Career Paths for IT Professionals

One of the big players in the IT market, Oracle Systems Corporation came into being in 1977. Since then the company has established an impressive client base (which includes about 97% of the Fortune 500 companies) with their offerings of database software, engineered systems, Cloud solutions and servers. Oracle has also come to introduce an impressive amount of 300 Certification courses for IT professionals through the Oracle University. Oracle impresses with the sheer number of certification courses available which exceeds the likes of even Microsoft and Cisco.

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Steps to become Oracle certified

1) Explore Certifications

Choose a certification to pursue based on the technology area that interests you.

a) Database

Oracle Database technology is used by the world's leading companies to manage critical business functions, systems and processes, with 305,000 top companies trusting their critical systems to Oracle Database. By investing the time to earn Oracle Database Certifications, you'll develop the expertise you need to work on the number one database in the world - on the number one embedded database technology.

b) Java and Middleware

Oracle Java and Middleware Certifications combine Java, the number one development platform, and Oracle Fusion Middleware, the number one application infrastructure available, into one category. Pursuing these certifications, which include Business Intelligence, Application Server, Identity Management, Oracle Cloud and more, helps you develop the knowledge and skills necessary to become better at your job.

c) Applications

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